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Concrete, Flowers, Water and Fun !!!

Labor day weekend was really laborous. It was a tiring and relaxing weekend at the same time. It was a fun filled 3 day trip to great places. From Boston to Newyork, From NYC to Washington DC, from DC to Ocean City and Back to Boston! Phew! I am still feeling sleepy.

We started friday afternoon from Boston and reached DC at midnight. Manish was the host, and he is one of the best..he was already there to pick us up and then we were talking till 2 am. Refreshing tea from Bhabhi’s kitchen, and delightful smiles from Ambudhi didn’t let us sleep.

We woke up by 8 am and started planning for the day. The weather was not so good, but we had to make the most of it…so we decided to roam indoors.

Went to the Washington national mall, and visited the US Capitol. This picture you can see here was taken in the center of the road, infront of the capitol. Well if you aren’t aware of the fact, no building in washington can be taller than the capitol. Its the law.

Then some rain shower started, and we planned to visit the botanical gardens. It was a informative and refreshing experience.

Then a spicy treat at chipotle and we slept for 3 hrs. Then comes the most terrifying part. Its common when you are roaming with women. got it right..Shopping!!

So we went to the Tyson’s corner mall and did some shopping. Then visited Jay uncle’s BIG home and returned at midnight. And yes, had some good indian food at the mall. It was delicious.

Next day was trip to Ocean City..and it was a fabulous place. So many things to do but so little time. We again tried to make the most of it and enjoyed the beach, the boardwalk, Pizza and Pasta…and shopping πŸ™‚
We saw
The World War II Memorial at Annapolis, on the way (pic on left).

It was a great trip..funfilled, hilarious, informative and we debated on various topics like “Is the world male or female dominated”. I think its female dominated. What do you think? May be we can discuss this in detail if you want..what say?
Then we discussed “if it is ok to compromise today for a delayed gratification?”. I, again, believe yes, we should. What do you say?

We will keep talking on the above two debates in coming days. Do let me know if you are interested πŸ™‚

Picture from Ocean City Beach.
Geetanjali Bhabhi, Ambudhi, Manish and Pallavi —>

2 thoughts on “Concrete, Flowers, Water and Fun !!!

  1. Mast hai πŸ™‚
    Enjoy karo πŸ™‚
    I think u will get lots of good news in few days…just wait n watch. Well, One atleast I can give now. I RESIGNED TODAY πŸ™‚

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