so here i am after a very long break. But now i’ll be regular. Promise.
Well life’s beautiful because i am almost settled at Boston. Work has started. Its too tiring to sit in meetings all day and not being able to sleep. Afterall its a new job 🙂
This city has spread its arms to welcome me here, and provided some of the best things i always wanted. Office is not too far, commute is ok, grocery shops nearby, restaurants on walking distance. And above all, my very good friends in the neighbourhood. I used to hang out with these guys in Patni, and now they are here. Great!
And to make it all worthwhile, Pallavi has also joined me here. She flew in on Saturday evening, and she is sleeping since then. Jetlag. Well i’ll ask her how does she like America once she gets up.
Life seems to be beautiful today…but i know its going to be equally challenging tomorrow. And I am ready for it. Bring it on!
I know u n pallavi can make it! 😉
My wishes r with u…sitting thousand miles apart…i know god will take care of u both.