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Rice everywhere

You know the importance of wife when you have to cook yourself. No..dont take me otherwise, but i am serious. My wife is an important part of my life, i love her more than anything else. But when it comes to food, i cant cook like her. She is genious. And now, that i am here, alone, on my own, and i have to cook..every other day the only thing i can think of cooking is Rice. Rice with Pulses. Rice with Vegetables. Rice with yogurt. Rice with.well.just rice.

And if you are one of those freaks like me who works on Oracle Applications, you know that RICE do not leave you in office too. Yeah, I am talking about the RICE components i.e. Reports, Interfaces, Customizations and Extensions.

If i keep on getting such heavy doses of Rice at home and office, i’ll be soon some Riceman…like spiderman. And if someone comes to mess with me, I’ll lift my arms straight towards the fella and here comes the rice…o it you stupid filthy gentleman who came to fight with me. You need take some more..

Well crazy as it seems..I do get crazy thinking of her. Afterall, i miss her. She is the love of my life. And i deserve to write here about her, bcoz this is all about life, love and software. And hey, if you have some ricy story of your own, of a lovely story from your life…jump in, share with all…

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